
laura berger

One of my friends once had a pet llama on her birthday wish list. 'A llama?!', I asked. I had no idea how it looked like, but I certainly loved how the name sounded. I then searched the net to find out more about this llama thing and serendipitously landed on this lovely shop owned by Laura Berger (Chicago). Gosh, her llamas were (and still are) the cutest and the most adorable of all! 

Apart from stinken' cute llamas, Laura paints and draws other interesting objects and creatures... all in that charming style that is unique to hers. You know that eclectic mix of cute, crude and weird... blended so perfectly that it just turns out downright beautiful? Yuh, that's her signature. (I wish I had the word. But you know what I'm sayin' right?)


Above all, I love the way Laura depicts the beauty and importance of connecting to our inner selves, the people around us, and the world we are in.


If you wish to see more of Laura's artwork, visit her lovely website and/or Etsy shop. Prints, cards and originals are happily showcased in there. Enjoy! :)

NOTE: All images on this blog post are owned by Laura Berger. Laura graciously allowed Sweet Tutumi to use them solely for this feature. If you are as smitten as I am with her work and would like to post any of these images else where, please hold your horses and ask Laura's permission first.  Thank you. 

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